WishbookWeb “2.0” is Here! Tell your friends!

Hi, everyone!  WishbookWeb.com two-point-oh is finally here and ready for you to check it out!!  Jump over to “The Catalogs” page for the catalog navigation screen.

Please consider this a beta relaunch of the new WishbookWeb.com site.  Converting the existing catalogs to the new format has been a long, and at times tedious process, involving over 100 hours of work over the past few months and undoubtedly a few things have fallen through the cracks. There are already items identified that need to be fixed (a couple catalogs are currently missing the last 100 pages – weird, but those should be fixed in the next few days) and other issues will be identified as more and more people get on the site to check it out.  Rather than puzzle over trying to identify every single thing that might be wrong, we chose to get the obvious ones fixed and then invite you all in to play with the new-format site.

Please feel free to comment under this post or if you’d like to get directly in touch, you can always send us an e-mail here at jason@wishbookweb.com.

Thank you for your patience during the recent downtime(s) and for your support of our return.  It is with great excitement that we open the doors of the new site to you.   Have fun and let us know what you think.  Oh, and if you think what we’ve done here is cool, tell you friends!


16 Replies to “WishbookWeb “2.0” is Here! Tell your friends!”

  1. Glad to see you back. I kept the tab opened just in case the downtime was temporary and I’m so glad I didn’t delete it before checking again. Thanks for the reboot.

    1. Thanks for keeping the faith, Ken. The downtimes we recently had (and the one from a couple years ago also over the holidays) broke my heart. But from here on out, we aren’t going anywhere ever again. We will only make the site better and better.

  2. I am absolutely thrilled your back. The easy navigation in the catalogs is also a huge thrill. Thank you so much for your hard work in putting this all together. It offers such interesting time capsules.

  3. Love this! Works well on my phone. One thing though…I can’t seem to figure out how to get out of a catalog and back to the catalog selection page.

    1. Bill,

      Thanks for the note! Yeah, I see what you mean. I don’t know if there’s a way to easily implement a “return to main menu” button on there – there MIGHT be. But when I was doing the initial conversions, I wasn’t looking too hard at the mobile format – I was just checking to make sure it worked. That said, I’ve got the scans for another dozen or so catalogs that I plan to process in the next week or so (and add to the site). As I start into those, I’ll look into the mobile settings and see if I overlooked something.

      I will say that it’s possible that currently there may not be an easy fix, I just haven’t had the time to check to make sure yet. It’s definitely on my radar now! Thanks! -Jason

  4. I’ve been visiting your site since 2012, when I first discovered it. I was thrilled with it then, and now. I have shared the link so many times on my blogs and my Facebook page, along with a sample page or two. I haven’t spent a lot of time on this new updated site yet, but from what I’ve seen, I think it will be a great step forward. The pages are easier to see and enjoy, and the color is more vibrant. I’m including a link below, not because I want any attention personally, but because I thought you might enjoy seeing a post I did right after discovering your site. It’s a short post on my Christmas blog introducing your website and offering a short free-verse poem I was inspired to write after visiting here for the first time. I hope you enjoy it. (If course, it describes your site’s navigation the way it worked at that time. I’ll go back and post an updated article soon letting readers know it functions even more easily now.)
    Here’s the link: https://christmasiscalling.wordpress.com/2012/11/23/that-old-christmas-wishbook/

    1. Sandra,

      Ah, thank you for the wonderful comment and for the lovely post on your site. It’s always great to get this kind of feedback. The site was launched to fill a void and provide easy and free access to these wonderful pieces of our past, and when I read posts like yours it reminds me of that mission. Hope you’re enjoying the new features (text search has been something I’ve wanted to add for a LONG time and now it is here). Also, we just added 11 new catalogs today. Hooray! -Jason

    2. Hi, Jason.

      As I mentioned last year in my comment, I’ve always enjoyed sharing pages from this site to encourage others to come over and visit. And I’ve always included a direct link to your site. However, this year, I can’t find any way to share anything. Even when I click on the “share” symbol, and the window comes up with all the various social media icons and even an embed button, I can’t get any of it to work showing any kind of actual picture of the catalog. I can get a link to go onto my Facebook page, but no picture. And generally it’s the pictures that attract enough attention to get people to stop and read. Do you prefer that we not share these pages now, or is there just a glitch in the system — or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for the help.

  5. Yeah, I can’t download any images. I’m not liking the update. I’m sorry. I don’t know what you did here but I can’t download an image.

    1. Due to piracy issues in the past, we’ve made an effort to protect the site’s content (meaning, it’s harder to download pages). If you have a legitimate use for a page or even a series of pages, you can get in touch and we would be happy to help.

  6. Glad to have you back, Jason. I especially like spotting things which were also available in Britain and Ireland.

  7. I thought you had forgotten about us lol!! I just discovered the update today. Love it! Thanks so much for all your hard work. Great site! I have a Spiegel catalog from the 60’s. Let me know if you would like to have it. Take care!

  8. I haven’t been by the site since the 2016 holidays (sadly). I LOVE the new, modernized look and the catalogue viewer.

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